The Ancient Times
Footbinding in China
“The act of foot-binding—the pain involved and the physical limitations it created—became a woman’s daily demonstration of her own commitment to Confucian values”
– Amanda Foreman
Various cultures globally have a history of women altering their bodies to conform to societal standards or ancestral traditions. Examples include the Lip Plates of Suri women, Scarification in African tribes, Victorian-era waist ideals, and the Mangbeta Tribe’s head-shaping practices.
Footbinding in ancient China is intricately linked to Confucian virtues. Though now widely condemned for its painful impact on young girls, delving into this tradition reveals the complex interplay between cultural norms and moral values.
“The Padang women stretch their necks and shackle their limbs. Century after century these women have carried the mark of their tribe: the Wang.”
-National Geographic
Skull elongation of the Mangbeta Tribe
The Wasp waist of the Victorian era
The Lip Plates of the Suri Women and the Scarification of the African tribes